1. According to Zig Ziglar, how can you achieve everything you want in life?
A) By focusing on profits alone
B) By helping other people get what they want
C) By competing aggressively
D) By avoiding building relationships
2. What did Jeff Bezos say about creating a great customer experience?
A) It guarantees immediate profits
B) It leads to powerful word-of-mouth, which helps attract more customers
C) It is less important than pricing strategies
D) It is not essential for long-term success
3. How does Richard Branson suggest businesses should treat their employees?
A) By pushing them to work harder
B) By taking care of them, which leads to better care for the business
C) By prioritizing profits over employee well-being
D) By limiting their opportunities for growth
4. According to Bill Gates, what has been key to Microsoft’s success?
A) Focusing solely on technology
B) Strategic partnerships from the very beginning
C) Avoiding collaboration with other companies
D) Relying entirely on internal resources
5. What did Maya Angelou emphasize about relationships?
A) People only remember what you say
B) People will always remember how you made them feel
C) People focus on what you did, not on how they felt
D) People forget about relationships quickly
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