1. According to Jeff Bezos, what should businesses be obsessed with?
A) Their competitors
B) Their profit margins
C) Their customers
D) Their product features
2. What does adopting a customer-first mindset mean for entrepreneurs?
A) Focusing on the technology first
B) Making decisions based on customer needs and providing value
C) Ignoring customer feedback in favor of innovation
D) Prioritizing short-term gains over customer satisfaction
3. What approach did Steve Jobs take toward product development?
A) Focus on the technology and ignore customer experience
B) Start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology
C) Create technologically advanced products without considering usability
D) Prioritize competitor analysis over customer feedback
4. How did Elon Musk use customer feedback to improve his products?
A) He avoided engaging with customers directly
B) He used platforms like Twitter to gather feedback and make improvements
C) He focused only on internal team ideas for product development
D) He disregarded feedback from social media
5. What philosophy did Tony Hsieh promote at Zappos regarding customer service?
A) Customer service should be limited to one department
B) Customer service should be the focus of the entire company
C) Customer service is less important than product development
D) Free shipping and returns hurt profitability too much
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