1. According to Tony Robbins, what is the first step in turning ideas into reality?
A) Focusing on execution only
B) Setting clear goals
C) Waiting for opportunities
D) Avoiding goal-setting altogether
2. What is the primary benefit of using the SMART framework for goal-setting?
A) It allows you to set vague, undefined goals
B) It provides a clear, measurable roadmap for achieving your goals
C) It focuses only on short-term gains
D) It eliminates the need for tracking progress
3. How does Elon Musk's approach to goal-setting contribute to his success?
A) He sets vague, undefined goals for his ventures
B) He sets clear, ambitious goals that guide his actions and focus
C) He avoids setting specific goals for his companies
D) He focuses solely on short-term profits rather than long-term goals
4. What is essential for successful execution of goals, according to Peter Drucker?
A) Goals are more important than hard work
B) Plans are only good intentions unless they lead to immediate action
C) Execution should be delayed until conditions are perfect
D) Hard work alone is not enough for success
5. According to James Clear, what ensures that long-term goals are achieved?
A) Setting goals without focusing on systems
B) Using small daily habits and systems to support consistent progress
C) Working only when motivated
D) Setting goals and waiting for results without daily effort
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