1. According to Mark Cuban, what mindset should entrepreneurs adopt regarding their work?
A) Work only when motivated
B) Work like someone is always trying to take it away from you
C) Take shortcuts to stay ahead of the competition
D) Focus on working only during standard business hours
2. What does Tim Ferriss emphasize when it comes to work ethic?
A) Working long hours is the key to success
B) Focusing on the tasks that bring the most value is crucial
C) Spreading yourself across many tasks is essential
D) Effective work comes from multitasking
3. What key lesson does Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson offer about success?
A) Success is all about talent and luck
B) Consistency in hard work leads to success
C) Greatness is achieved without consistency
D) Progress can be made without hard work
4. What is an important component of a strong work ethic?
A) Avoiding difficult tasks
B) Delegating all responsibilities
C) Taking ownership of actions and outcomes
D) Relying on others to ensure success
5. What is a long-term result of maintaining a strong work ethic?
A) Hard work compounds over time, increasing the likelihood of success
B) Working hard leads to immediate results
C) Success is always achieved quickly with hard work
D) Consistent hard work isn’t necessary for long-term success
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