1. According to Tony Hsieh, what is the relationship between company culture and brand?
A) Culture and brand are unrelated
B) Your brand defines your culture
C) Your culture is your brand
D) A brand is more important than culture
2. What are core values important for in a company?
A) They serve as the foundation for how the business operates
B) They help employees choose their own rules
C) They are only necessary for large corporations
D) They are optional and should not affect decision-making
3. How can entrepreneurs build a strong company culture by leading?
A) By ignoring employee behavior
B) By setting the tone and leading by example
C) By avoiding direct communication with employees
D) By focusing solely on profit generation
4. What did Richard Branson believe about employee well-being?
A) Prioritizing customers over employees is key
B) Taking care of employees ensures they will take care of customers
C) Employee well-being should only be considered in tough times
D) Employee well-being has no effect on company success
5. What is Simon Sinek’s view on hiring for cultural fit?
A) Hire for skills only, attitude doesn’t matter
B) Hire for attitude, because skills can be taught
C) Focus on hiring for experience over cultural alignment
D) Cultural fit is irrelevant to team success
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