1. According to Indra Nooyi, what role does diversity play in business success?
A) Diversity complicates decision-making
B) Diversity is a necessity for success and fosters innovative ideas
C) Diversity is only important for large companies
D) Diversity leads to slower problem-solving
2. Why does Mark Zuckerberg value diversity in his teams at Facebook?
A) It reduces the need for creative thinking
B) It creates a dynamic environment for innovation
C) It ensures everyone has the same background
D) It simplifies decision-making
3. What did McKinsey & Company’s study, Diversity Wins, find about companies with more gender and ethnic diversity?
A) They are 25% more likely to struggle with profitability
B) They have above-average profitability by 25%
C) They are less likely to be innovative
D) They perform similarly to companies with less diversity
4. According to Richard Branson, what kind of culture should a company foster to achieve high performance?
A) A culture that limits ideas to senior leadership
B) A culture where only experienced employees contribute ideas
C) A culture that encourages ideas from everyone
D) A culture focused solely on technical skills
5. How does diversity benefit companies looking to expand globally?
A) Diverse teams help simplify product development
B) Diverse teams offer insights into different global markets
C) Diverse teams make global expansion unnecessary
D) Diverse teams avoid dealing with local market nuances
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