1. According to Steve Jobs, how are great things in business achieved?
A) By a single individual working hard
B) By a team of people working together
C) By focusing solely on innovation
D) By relying on technology
2. What was Tony Hsieh’s approach to hiring at Zappos?
A) Hire people based solely on their technical skills
B) Hire people who align with the company’s values and vision
C) Hire people for short-term roles only
D) Hire individuals without considering their fit with the company culture
3. What mistake do young entrepreneurs often make regarding delegation?
A) Delegating too much work to their team
B) Trying to do everything themselves, leading to burnout
C) Not hiring enough employees
D) Focusing too much on high-level strategy
4. How does emotional intelligence (EQ) contribute to effective team-building?
A) It helps leaders avoid difficult conversations
B) It allows leaders to better understand and motivate their team
C) It ensures that leaders avoid any team conflicts
D) It is only important for managing finances
5. What did Bill Gates emphasize about leadership and team growth?
A) Leaders should always take the credit for success
B) Leaders empower others and invest in team development
C) Leaders should focus only on their own personal growth
D) Leaders should avoid getting too involved with their team’s development
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