1. According to Arianna Huffington, what is resilience about?
A) Bouncing back after failure
B) Avoiding failure altogether
C) Bouncing forward after setbacks
D) Ignoring challenges completely
2. How do resilient entrepreneurs view failure?
A) As something to be avoided at all costs
B) As a sign they should quit
C) As a learning opportunity
D) As an indication of incompetence
3. What advice does Elon Musk give regarding important goals, even when the odds are against you?
A) Abandon the goal if it seems too difficult
B) If something is important enough, pursue it despite the odds
C) Only pursue goals with guaranteed success
D) Wait for the perfect conditions before taking action
4. What practice do entrepreneurs like Jack Dorsey use to maintain emotional strength during chaotic periods?
A) Avoiding stressful situations
B) Focusing on short-term goals
C) Meditation and mindfulness practices
D) Ignoring personal emotions
5. What does Oprah Winfrey suggest about the people you should surround yourself with?
A) Only seek support when you feel weak
B) Surround yourself with people who lift you higher
C) Avoid sharing your struggles with others
D) Rely only on yourself during difficult times
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