1. According to Elon Musk, when should you give up on your goals?
A) When progress seems slow
B) When you experience failure
C) Only when you are forced to
D) After encountering several challenges
2. What lesson did Sara Blakely’s father teach her about failure?
A) Failure should be feared and avoided
B) Failure is a sign to change direction
C) Failure is an opportunity to learn
D) Failure happens only to the unprepared
3. What is the key idea behind Carol Dweck’s concept of a growth mindset?
A) Intelligence is fixed and cannot change
B) Abilities can be developed through effort and learning
C) Success depends solely on talent
D) Obstacles should be avoided at all costs
4. According to Jeff Bezos, what should innovators be prepared for?
A) Being misunderstood
B) Instant recognition of their ideas
C) Constant validation from others
D) Quick success without obstacles
5. What is the primary difference between resilience and persistence as discussed in the text?
A) Resilience is about avoiding failure, while persistence is about ignoring feedback
B) Resilience is responding to challenges, while persistence is maintaining effort
C) Resilience is about working alone, while persistence requires a team
D) Resilience and persistence are identical concepts
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